Rabu, 14 Oktober 2020

Review film Nico's Weg

 Nico is a young Spanish man, arrives at the airport in Germany. As he is taking a look around, he listens to a language course on headphones, with greetings in German. Then Emma comes up and starts talking to him. Nico is taking a look around the airport and absorbing the sights and sounds. As he leaves the airport he meets Emma again. And he suddenly realizes that his bag has vanished.

With people coming and going and saying goodbye to each other around him, Nico doesn’t know what he should do. Then Emma and her aunt Lisa return and offer to help him.Lisa and Emma hear from Nico why he has come to Germany, and they give him a ride into town. In the car, Emma arranges alphabet cookies to form her name and teaches Nico how to introduce himself in German.While they are stuck in traffic, Emma and Lisa practice introductions with Nico. When Lisa stops at a gas station to fill up, Nico suddenly recognizes the cab that drove away with his bag in it.

At the gas station, Nico stops the cab which he thinks has his bag inside. Lisa tries to calm the angry cab driver and introduces herself and Nico. Meanwhile Nico opens the trunk.Lisa, Nico and Emma are about to drive on when Lisa runs into her friend Max. Max asks Nico who he is and where he’s comes from. When it becomes clear that Nico doesn’t know how to find his aunt, Max has an idea.

Lisa phones her father who is in the police force. He says she is to bring Nico to the police station. Maybe her father can help Nico.Before going to the police station, Lisa and Nico take Emma to a children’s birthday party. On the way there, Nico draws Emma a picture with numbers, and Emma teaches Nico how to count to 12 in German.

While Lisa is taking Emma to the door, Nico waits in the car, listening to the radio. When someone calls the radio and mentions a lost bag, Nico grabs Lisa’s cell phone and dials the number of the radio station.At the police station, Lisa’s father asks Nico where he lives, his date of birth and passport number. He wants to help Nico. As Nico still doesn’t know where to find his aunt, Lisa takes him back to her shared apartment.

Nico meets Lisa’s roommates, Sebastian and Nina, who are hanging fairy lights up in the courtyard. After they have introduced themselves, Lisa asks whether Nico can stay in the shared apartment for the next few days.In the apartment, Nico shows Nina and Sebastian the photo of his aunt Yara. While Nina is getting drinks for everyone, they all try to work out how Nico can find his aunt. Sebastian has already got an idea, 

Then they leave to begin the hunt for Yara’s shop.Lisa and Nico walk through the city looking for the address that someone Sebastian knows posted under the photo of Yara’s shop. But when they reach their destination they get a nasty surprise. Yara’s shop is nowhere to be found and Nico can only stay in the shared apartment for two more days. Together, Lisa and Nico try to work out where Nico can live after that.

As Max and Nico are waiting for Lisa, Max notices that Nico is a bit down. When he asks what’s wrong, he finds out the reason Nico has come to Germany: He doesn’t want to do what his parents expect him to. In the shared apartment there’s a lot of packing to be done. The roommates are getting ready for their vacation, and Nico is also packing his things together. And Emma? She wants to know exactly where Nico is going to live from now on.

Next day Emma's grandpa has important news: He has found Yara's shop! Nico and Lisa want to set off straight away. Mr Brunner explains to them how to get there. Nico and Lisa take public transportation to get to Yara’s shop. Emma and her grandpa have to go in the other direction. Now it’s time for Emma and Nico to say goodbye. Nico and Lisa have finally found Yara’s shop. But when they arrive, it’s shut! Disappointed, they leave. And they don’t realize that at that very moment, a man is leaving the shop with Yara’s money.

Until then,  Nico still hasn’t got his bag back. It disappeared from the airport in a cab, when the cab driver put it in the trunk by mistake. But what happened to Nico’s bag after that? It turns out that Nico's bag was left by the side of the road by the taxi passenger. After Nico’s bag was left by the side of the road, it was found by two men. What do they do with the bag? And what does it have to do with the seasons?

The next day, Lisa calls Selma from vacation. While Selma is walking down the street with her phone to her ear telling Lisa how bad the weather is in Germany, she makes an amazing discovery. Nico and Selma look in his bag to see if everything is still there. He finds his passport and phone straight away, but some of his favorite clothes are gone. Then Selma has a good idea. Selma and Nico go shopping together in a small store. 

Next day Max, Tarek and Nico meet Lisa’s father in the bike shop. They want to know where Yara is, because by this stage they’ve all become worried about her. Then they got the news that Yara was in Switzerland.  No one can explain why Yara disappeared so suddenly. Jürgen Brunner questions Nico about his family. Then it becomes clear that Nico doesn’t have a good relationship with his brother, or with his parents.

Nico goes to Yara’s bicycle shop with Tarek. While Tarek is watering the flowers, Nico tells him about his dreams for the future. Suddenly they hear an angry woman’s voice on the street and it turned out to be yara. 

Rabu, 30 September 2020

My goal my ambition

 In me right now, I only have three ambitions or what is usually called ideals. I hope these three Ambitions can be realized. yeah even though I really want a lot, but for the three ambitions I must try to make it happen. My first goal now is to be successful and to become an outstanding student in my school, I don't know in what field, but I am ambitious and hope to make achievements. Ya syukur-syukur in the language field, Even though my English is still minimal but I can speak Korean, because I studied it because I like kpop and Drakor hehe. 

Then my second ambition is to be able to enter the college that I want to continue my education in college. I wish I could study abroad on a scholarship. at this time I have pocketed the university that I want, among others are UNPAD, UI, dan ITB. I hope to study abroad I wish to enter the University Of Melbourne. 

and my third ambition is that I must always be able to make my parents happy under any circumstances, And I wish I could take my parents to Mecca with my own labor. 

Those are my three current ambitions yes Even though there are many things I want.

Rabu, 22 Juli 2020

Dialog suggestion and offer

Recruitment Of New Member Extra Culicular

Zaa: Hey.You know this time we must recruit new member of our extraculicular
Bibil : Ohhh yes I know about that but what should we do to convince the new student?
Zaa: If you like I will share brocure for us!
Bibil : Are you sure?.That’s a lot you know
Zaa: I think no because this is for sake of our extraculicular
Bibil : Okay then,call me when you finish.Goodbye
Zaa: See ya!

Sabtu, 11 April 2020

This is Video Presentation
About our recount text (factual text)
The title
'Forest Fire in Kalimantan'
By Groups 1

1. Irelandia Desti
2. Jasmine Fadia
3. M. Bagja Darmawan
4. M. Kautszar R
5. Muhtariva
6. Siska Adelia Putri
7. Zakia Balqis

Selasa, 03 Maret 2020


Forest Fire In Kalimantan

Orientation :
         On 13 September 2019,
         forest and land fires (karhutla) are widespread in Kalimantan and Sumatra. The events during the 2019 dry season again triggered haze disasters in many areas. Smoke disaster reports also emerged from Riau, Central Kalimantan and West Kalimantan this month. Based on data from the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) until Monday, September 16, 2019, at 16:00 WIB, hotspots were found in Riau as many as 58, Jambi (62), South Sumatra (115), West Kalimantan (384), Central Kalimantan (513) and South Kalimantan (178).
In a vulnerable 1997, Riau was free of forest and haze, namely 2007, 2008, 2016, 2017 and 2018. The most severe was 2014 and 2015 because it was determined a national disaster with a haze emergency response status. The thick haze of the effects of forest and land fires still surrounds the Riau sky. Visibility in the most severe Pelalawan Regency only translucent 400 meters.

Event :
     peatlands burned 89,563 hectares out of a total of 328,724 hectares burned by the end of August 2019. The most extensive peat fire area was in Riau (40,553 hectares), Central Kalimantan (24,883 hectares), West Kalimantan (10,025 hectares). Forest and land fires also occur in Jambi, South Kalimantan, South Sumatra, North Sumatra, West Sumatra, East Kalimantan, Aceh, Bangka Belitung, North Kalimantan and North Maluku.
     forest fires that occurred in Kalimantan due to a group of people who wanted forest land in Kalimantan to be used by them, by burning it during the dry season.
       Haze from forest and land fires (karhutla) that occurred in several provinces in Indonesia disrupted residents' activities, such as transportation and mobilization. Visibility becomes obstructed, even irritating the eyes. the disease caused by forest fires in Kalimantan is heart disease, ISPA and lung disease.

•Reorientation :
     The tragedy was repeated in 2019 due to a group of people who wanted the land and consumed several victims such as animals, plants, and harmed the people who lived there. The incident made the forest land in Kalimantan bare and caused huge losses due to the incident and this forest fires made the forests in Kalimantan less fertile and reduced the oxygen land in Indonesia.

Minggu, 09 Februari 2020

Peter Pan drama

Peter Pan
Tinker Bell
Lost Boy 1
Lost Boy 2
Lost Boys
Captain Hook


Narrator: Once upon a time there were three brothers named Wendy, Michael and John. They lived in London in a very big house. Every night Wendy, the oldest sister, told her brothers stories about the adventures of Peter Pan.

Michael: Tell us more about Peter Pan!

John: Yes, please Wendy! Tell us another story!, please, please!

Wendy: It’s late and tomorrow we have school.

Michael: Oh.

Wendy: Now, close your eyes and go to sleep. Good-night and sweet dreams.

Michael and John: Good night, Wendy.

Narrator: A few hours later they woke up frightened because they heard strange noises in the room.

John: Did you hear that?

Michael: Yes, did you, Wendy?

Wendy: Yes.. but what’s that light over there?

John: Where?

Michael: What is it?

Wendy: It’s…

Tinker Bell: Yes! It’s me Tinker Bell!

Wendy, Michael, John: Tinker Bell!

Narrator: Then something extraordinary happened. Peter Pan appeared right there in the middle of the room.

Wendy, Michael, John: Peter Pan!

Peter Pan: Do you want to come with us?

Wendy: Where?

Peter Pan: Tinker Bell and I can take you to Neverland, where the lost boys live.

John: To Neverland?

Michael: Where the lost boys live?

Wendy: We can’t fly.

Peter Pan: Tinker Bell will help you. She will blow on you fairy dust,and you will fly.

Narrator: Then Tinker Bell blew some fairy dust over the kids, and they started to fly.

Michael: Look at me!

John: Look at me! I am flying!

Michael: Oh, lovely!

Narrator: And up and down they went, and round and round, until finally the five of them were out of the room and up in the sky. They flew days and nights. Sometimes they were cold, and sometimes they felt warm. Sometimes they were hungry, and sometimes they were sleepy. When they were flying over Neverland, Peter Pan pointed to a ship in the middle of the ocean, and said.

Peter Pan: Look! That’s Captain Hook´s ship. We have to be very careful with him. He wants to have me prisoner.

Wendy: Who is Captain Hook?

Peter Pan: A long time ago, a crocodile bit off Hook’s hand along with his watch. That’s why, when he hears a tick, tack he gets really nervous. Since he can’t get me, then he tries to get the little children.

Narrator: Since Peter Pan was very kind and polite to Wendy,Tinker Bell felt a pain in his heart,and thought.

Tinker Bell: I am jealous! I have been through a lot of adventures, but I can’t stop feeling selfish. I have to get out of here!

Narrator: And she flew away.

Wendy, Michael, John, Peter Pan: Tinker Bell! Where are you going!

Narrator: But Tinker Bell flew and flew until she decided to rest for a while in one of the houses of the lost boys.

Tinker Bell: Please, lost boys, help Peter Pan. He’s flying with three children, but a great mean bird is chasing them.

Lost Boy 1: Where?

Tinker Bell: Look, up in the sky! There it is! It’s behind Peter Pan!

Narrator: Then one of the lost boys took out his bow and arrow and fired straight at Wendy.

Lost Boy 2: Now Peter Pan is safe!

Narrator: Wendy felt a strong pain and she fell down slowly to the ground. When the lost boys saw she wasn’t a mean bird, but a beautiful girl, they were surprised. Then they said.

Lost Boys: Will you be our mother?

Wendy: I am only a little girl. I have no experience, but I’ll try.

Narrator: That night and every day she took care of the little children and she told them about Peter Pan’s adventures. However, one night, while they were at the square, they heard a terrible voice.

Captain Hook: You are my prisoners!

Narrator: Suddenly the clock struck, tick tock, tick,tock, and he was furious. He grabbed Wendy and said.

Captain Hook: If you want to see her again, tell Peter Pan to come and get me.

Narrator: They got into their horses, and left quickly to their ship. The lost boys told Peter Pan about what had happened. Peter Pan left Michael and John with his friends, and headed to the pirate’s ship.

Peter Pan: Captain Hook! Here I am! Let Wendy go!

Captain Hook: Ha,ha,ha! Welcome aboard, Peter Pan! …. My loyal men, take her to land!

Narrator: When she arrived to land she went straight to the square of the Lost Boys, and said.

Wendy: Peter Pan is Hook’s prisoner! What can we do?

Narrator: At that moment they saw a light coming down from the sky, it was Tinker Bell.

Tinker Bell: Forgive me, Wendy. Please, be my friend again.

Narrator: Wendy smiled and said.

Wendy: We have to save Peter Pan.

Tinker Bell: I have a plan… follow me!

Narrator: Tinker Bell, Wendy, Michael, John, and the Lost Boys headed to sea in a boat. When they were near Captain’s Hook ship, Tinker Bell started to dance over the water. Soon, the sea waves started to sound, tick, tock, tick, tock.

Captain Hook: Stop it, please! I can’t stand that noise!

Tinker Bell: Let Peter Pan go, or the ocean will turned into a tick tock in your ears!
Narrator: Hook set Peter Pan free, and while Captain Hook and his pirates escaped, he and his friends went back to the square of the lost boys. That night everybody was celebrating.

Peter Pan: Thank you my friends. You saved my life! We have experienced one of the most exciting adventures!

Narrator: Then John woke up. They were in his bedroom.

John: Was it a dream?

Michael: Yes, maybe it was all a dream.

Narrator: Then Wendy saw Tinker Bell and Peter Pan up in the sky. They were waving good-bye.

The End

Rabu, 15 Januari 2020

Story Telling

The First Well
Retold by BookBox 

There once was a small kingdom around a lake. One very hot summer, it did not rain and the lake dried up. People grew anxious and went to the King. “It has not rained for so long. Our fields are barren!” said the farmers. “There are no fish to catch. How shall we earn a living?” asked the fishermen. “Save us from disaster, good King,” urged the women, as their children cried with thirst.

The King sent his four generals in all directions to look for water. The first general went east, towards the sunrise; the second went south, to the dust and heat; the third went west, where the sun sets; and the fourth followed the North Star.

They searched day and night, night and day; high and low they searched everywhere, but in vain. Three of the generals returned, empty-handed. But the general who had gone north was determined not to fail his King. At last, he reached a cold mountain village.

As he sat at the foot of the mountain, an old woman came by and sat next to him. The general pointed at the horizon and said, “I belong to a beautiful kingdom, where it has not rained for a whole year. Can you help me find water?”

The woman motioned the general to follow her up the mountain and into a cave. “We have no water in our country either,” she said. Then, pointing to the icicles in the cave, she continued: “We call this ice. Take some, and your kingdom will never go thirsty again.” The general broke off a huge piece, loaded it onto his horse-cart and rushed back home.

By the time he reached the court, the enormous icicle had melted into a small lump of ice. Nobody in the court had ever seen ice, so everybody gazed at it with wonder. “This must be a water-seed!” one of the ministers exclaimed suddenly. The King ordered the ‘water-seed’ to be sowed immediately.

While the farmers dug a hole, the lump dwindled in the sun. They swiftly placed the seed in the hole, but before they could cover it up, it had vanished. The farmers there grew confused and worried. They dug deeper and deeper into the earth, all night long, looking for the mysterious seed.

At the break of dawn, the King found the farmers fast asleep around a hole. Curious, he peeped in and cried out in amazement: “Wake up, my worthy men – the water-seed has sprouted! There’s water in the hole!”

This is how the first well was created.

1. What is the moral value of this story ?
2. Make the direct sentences below become indirect sentences !
   - “There are no fish to catch. How shall we earn a living?” asked the fishermen. 
   -   “It has not rained for so long. Our fields are barren!” said the farmers. 
   - “We have no water in our country either,” she said.
   -  “Save us from disaster, good King,” urged the women
   -  “This must be a water-seed!” one of the ministers exclaimed suddenly.
3. Is there any indirect sentence in this story ?
4. The 'woman' motioned the general to follow her up the mountain and into a cave.
    what is antonym of  'woman' ?

Minggu, 12 Januari 2020



2 days before my last holiday , my best friends and I went to hang out in a cafe on kemuning street.  I went to hang out with Tiara,Jasmine, and Silvia,. Usually we always have five people \,but unfortunately Hesti  didn't  participate this time. We left at about 7 o'clock at night,. In cafe we talked ,laughed together, had gossip about a boyfriend, friend, or someone. When we get bored living in cafes, sometimes we were  confused  of where else to go. we also chose to go back to our respective homes.

And my last day off, I stayed at home to prepare fot tommorow's school day. I prepared books,shoes,and unifroms. After preparing school supplies, I do activities such as eating,sleeping, playing games,praying and sometimes I video call with my friends.